
The Grange Marks Children’s Day with ”LOVE”

Children’s Day this year at The Grange took on a special meaning, as it partnered with a charity to help our students show support for children with cancer and their care-givers. Our partnership with LOVE, NILS, a registered charity, allowed parents, students and teachers to donate toys and help bring cheer to the young cancer patients.

Finding more joy in giving rather than receiving

The new toys were contributed to the charity’s Annual Toy Market for children with cancer, giving them the opportunity to experience a toy store at the premises.  Most of the young patients are not able to leave the premises due to their extremely fragile immune system.

Our teachers and students also penned individualised messages of love and encouragement to either a doctor, nurse, parent or patient to express support for their noble work.

The charity effort is in line with The Grange’s “Cre8tors-in-Action” educational philosophy, which actively promotes key competencies such as Service Leadership, Active Citizenship, and Teamwork and Partnership, as well as important values such as gratitude, empathy, compassion, generosity, responsibility and love.

With Lesli and Melinda, the lovely people behind LOVE, NILS

We are very heartened that many students participated in the toy donation drive, and we hope that they will always learn to love and care for others in need.

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