
The Grange Kids became “ArKIDtects”!

Over the March holidays, the school organised a ‘ArKIDtects In Wonderland’ camp for the students. Our ‘Cre8tors’ got into action and journeyed through seven architectural “wonders”. They had to scavenge for recycled materials to build some of the “wonders” and also got to learn about the architectural wonders in the process. Find out more through our photo blog below!

Learning about the Great Wall of China
Learning about the structure of the Great Wall of China
Using Lego blocks to build their version of the Great Wall of China
Designing their personal brick for the Great Wall of China

Work in progress for rebuilding the Wonder.
Learning about the Pyramids of Giza
Constructing a model of the Pyramid.
Learning about the Pyramid’s structure using building blocks
Rolling up play dough for a special challenge!
Now, it’s time to learn about the Leaning tower of Pisa!
Followed by the Leaning ‘Cup’ of Pisa challenge
Camp instructor, Mr. Albert, showing students how this challenge works
Students making use of the playdough they made earlier to build their Leaning ‘Cup’ of Pisa
Putting the pieces together
Everyone’s final art piece! (Left-right) Leaning tower of Pisa, Pyramids, Great wall of China
The students also learnt about the structure of igloo homes by drawing and building their own igloos
A student’s igloo home in construction
A holiday well spent, and here are our graduating “ArKIDtects”!

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