
Cambridge International Primary Curriculum

What We Focus On

At The Grange, we offer a well-rounded education anchored in the internationally recognised Cambridge framework, enhanced with inquiry-based and creative learning approaches.

The Cambridge Primary Education framework builds strong foundations in core subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Aligned with our Cre8tors-in-Action© philosophy, it connects learning to real-world contexts, encouraging curiosity, collaboration, and innovation.

This integration ensures every child thrives academically, socially, and emotionally, preparing them for success in an ever-changing world.



8 Core Competencies

Students are empowered as Cre8tors-in-Action© to develop into engaged global citizens who actively contribute to a diverse and multicultural community.

We support their development as independent critical thinkers and their ability to collaborate, ensuring that they are well-prepared to thrive in a global community.

The Grange Institution Cre8tors-in-Action


8 Core Competencies

At the Grange international school in Singapore, our future-focused Cre8tors-in-Action© unique approach encompasses eight core competencies aimed at developing global citizens who are well-equipped to navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world. The competencies include design, caring for the environment, entrepreneurship, active citizenry, teamwork and partnerships, recognizing issues, and service leadership. 

Construction & Design

Creators see themselves as active global citizens who have a shared agency of our planet. They are passionate about their responsibilities to improve life on Earth. They are advocates of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and know that their actions can be personal, localised or far-reaching.

Creators embrace collaboration and partnership as an effective and efficient way to solving a problem. They understand that others’ strengths can complement or supplement their own. They are willing to adopt different roles in a team as the success of the mission outweighs individual accolade.

Creators challenge their own thinking to come up with new and original ideas that, in turn, challenges others’ thinking and their mindsets. They are able to approach existing issues and situations with alternative viewpoints, in the hope to come up with original ideas, or to better existing ideas.

Creators gain knowledge and awareness by researching into common issues affecting humanity on a personal, community or global basis through a balance of primary and secondary sources of information, and in the process, they might change their mindset and perspective about the issue.

Creators are true leaders who are selfless about taking meaningful actions to impact others and the environment. They are active in the school, local community and beyond and are willing to devote time and energy to community causes that they become passionate about.


Cambridge Primary Curriculum

Cambridge Assessment International Education

The Cambridge Primary Curriculum aims to help students become confident, responsible, innovative learners. The curriculum for English, Math, and Science is intended to engage students in an active and creative learning journey. 

They provide a comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives outlining what the learner should know or be able to achieve in each year of primary education, as well as a structure for teaching and learning and a reference against which learners’ ability and understanding can be measured.  

The academic achievement of students are benchmarked according to the Cambridge Primary curriculum standards. The two key assessment tools for benchmarking are the Primary Insight (formerly known as Incas), and the Checkpoint Test. The former is an interactive computerized assessment in reading, mathematics and general ability skills. The latter is used as an assessment tool for a summative view of their overall achievement in English, Mathematics and Science at the end of the primary school journey. 


Cambridge Primary English

Cambridge Primary Mathematics

Cambridge Primary Science


Specialist Subjects

The Grange’s future-focused curriculum is augmented by a range of specialist subjects, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience. Students benefit from holistic learning experiences across diverse areas in the Arts, Languages, Music, Technology and Physical Education. Our approach underscores the integration of academic rigor with these vital disciplines, emphasizing their importance in every child’s education. 

Personal, Social, Physical Education






Global Perspectives

Cambridge Assessment International Education

At each year level, students are engaged in different themes designed to appeal to their interests and help them to learn more about the world around them. These themes help children to see how subjects such as Art, Geography, History, ICT and Computing, Music, PE, Science, Society, Technology, Language and Mathematics are both independent and interdependent. This enables them to see the big picture of their learning, make connections across different subjects, and see topics and issues in the world from multiple perspectives.


Subject Learning Goals

Personal Learning Goals

Globe icon

International Learning Goals


Course Duration

All programmes at The Grange are full time. We deliver our programme face-to-face from 10am to 4.30pm. Our maximum teacher to student ratio is 1:24.

You may find more information about our programme. Information includes, the age group placement for our Year 1 to 6 courses and course duration.

Year Group Placement

Primary Curriculum Year 1

Primary Curriculum Year 2

Primary Curriculum Year 3

Primary Curriculum Year 4

Primary Curriculum Year 5

Primary Curriculum Year 6


23 Months*

11 Months

11 Months

11 Months

11 Months

11 Months








*Students enrolled from age 6 onwards who have prior kindergarten experience may be considered for exemption and be eligible for placement in the 11-month programme.


Assessment Strategies

At The Grange, we find assessment an integral part of teaching and learning. That is why we closely monitor our student progress using both formative and summative assessment practices.

• Formative assessment – provides teachers with quick feedback that they can use for driving instruction and learning
• Summative assessment – evaluates every student’s learning at the end of an instructional chapter or unit

Both students and teachers are actively involved in these assessments. Also, The Grange ensures that every student’s social and academic progress are valued equally.

Primary Student at The Grange Institution

Assessment Strategies And Tools Include, But Not Limited To: